Typeface design education from Cooper Union

Public Workshops

Workshops, taught by top industry professionals, are offered to provide training in lettering, type history, typeface design, technology and production to anyone wishing to build skills and their knowledge base.


Public workshops do not require an application to attend. You can enroll online or by phone through the Continuing Education office at 212-353-4195, 10:30am–5:30pm, Monday–Friday. 

All events are listed with Eastern US time. Please check your timezone difference. 

Each year, registration for fall classes and workshops takes place in September. For spring classes and workshops registration is in January, and for summer classes, it takes place in May (sometimes earlier). Upcoming workshops are sometimes posted early to give advance notice of what will be offered for those who need to make travel plans. A one time per term $25 registration fee applies.

See registration policies here.  

For more information, see the FAQ section, or e-mail type@cooper.edu with your questions.

Note: Some of the workshops listed here are offered as electives for the Typeface Design Certificate Program. Space permitting, these workshops are also offered to the general public.

Upcoming Workshops

More workshops will be posted here soon. To receive notifications when new events are announced, join our mailing list.

Previous Workshops