Typeface design education from Cooper Union
Book Flow 1200x400 1

with Gustavo Soares

Design development often eats up a big chunk of our time. In book design, this can get quite painful if you have long or messy documents and complex typography ahead. This six-hour workshop will cover a workflow anchored in Planning, Style Mapping, Grep, Grep Styles, Scripts and other powerful InDesign functionalities that result in hundreds, if not thousands, of spot-on typographic pages designed in less than a day.

Firstly you will learn a "divide and conquer" strategy to prepare and handle virtually any kind of Word document for the workflow with ease. Then we will explore basic and advanced style mapping; footnote, endnote and side note setups; chained cleaning routines with Grep; automatically refined micro-typography with Grep Styles and other simple yet powerful paragraph style attributes. You will also be introduced to using scripts in InDesign – as it is not possible to reach this speed with accuracy by hand. But it's straightforward, you will see.

To put this workflow to the test, we will use a real production Word document from Penguin/Companhia das Letras to do the design development of the whole book, more than 500 pages, in a couple of minutes. All with precise styling and micro-typography already in place.

The workflow is based in Word and InDesign, so you need to have both installed. Latest versions are preferred, but Word 2010+ and InDesign CS6+ will do fine. The workshop is online and very hands on, so it is recommended that you use two screens: one to watch, other to work. Mac and PC friendly.

Registration is now closed

Tue, November 17, 2020


About Gustavo Soares

Gustavo Soares Bio 1
Gustavo Soares works as a type, typography and information design specialist. His background in magazine design set out his interest in type and information architecture, both pursued further with two masters degrees: MA Information Design awarded by the University of Reading, UK; and MA Type and Media, awarded by the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK), NL. In those years Gustavo learned to constantly reflect on practice, model what works and define effective workflows. His expertise found fertile grounds in extensive temporary and permanent wayfinding. Gustavo has worked as design lead or external consultant for projects like FIFA 2014 World Cup, Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Walk Rio and International Airports and Hospitals in Brazil. By having designed and published retail and custom fonts, he has an in-depth understanding of how type works. His productivity workflows always explore and take into consideration refined hierarchies and micro-typography. Gustavo has been Member of the Jury for two editions of the Bienal Tipo Latinos (2014, 2016) and hundreds of designers have attended his workshops in Brazil, Mexico and Chile. Currently, Gustavo is the Wayfinding Lead for Lima 2019 Pan-American Games.