Lettering for Logotypes
James Edmondson
Logotypes are the holy grail of lettering. They're in use everywhere, in every kind of application, and have to hold up in harsh conditions. In this two day intensive, students will learn how to sketch and deliver a final hand lettered logotype. The emphasis will be placed on drawing thumbnails and near-finished artwork by hand, but the final product will be dialed in with béziers in Illustrator or the drawing program of your choice. This course will cover playing with conventions, the art of thumbnailing, as well as tricks to get your spacing as flawless as humanly possible.
About James Edmondson

After graduating from California College of the Arts, James received a masters from the TypeMedia program at The Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, Netherlands. James lives in San Francisco, and runs OH no Type Company, an independent foundry focussed on display faces and expressive lettering.