Handling the History of Type
Rob Saunders
Hold history in your hands, instead of experiencing it through slide lectures. From the Roman imperial letter to today’s explosion of digital faces, this class will cover the high spots and turning points of type in the West. Each meeting will feature hands-on examination of primary and secondary sources from the Letterform Archive, as well as discussion of the historical context and contemporary relevance of these inspiring artifacts.
About Rob Saunders

Rob Saunders is the curator and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Letterform Archive. He is a designer, teacher, publisher, and management consultant. He taught at The School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and Tufts University, while serving freelance clients and agencies, before founding a book publishing enterprise that included Alphabet Press (graphic design), Picture Book Studio (children’s books), and Rabbit Ears Books (book/audio packages), which was acquired by Simon & Schuster. Prior to becoming Curator of Letterform Archive he served as a creative and marketing consultant with clients in the hospitality, technology, and financial industries.