Movable Type: Motion for Designers & Typographers
Jase Hueser
Motion is an imperative part of any designer’s toolkit. However, learning time-based software and the fundamental principles of animation can be intimidating for many designers who typically only work statically.
This 10-week course will take a bit of the mystery out of motion, making learning Adobe After Effects enjoyable and worthwhile. Through a series of in-class lectures, hands-on projects, critiques, and classroom discussions, you will learn techniques and approaches to make static compositions come to life, design with a kinetic mindset and understand the powerful links between Photoshop and Illustrator and After Effects. Additionally, this course will cover a basic history of motion design, and how classic principles of animation fit into a modern context for identity systems and information design.
While this class will include how-tos and assistance on software usage, this is not a tutorial class—instead, motion theory and problem solving through technical issues within the Adobe CC will be emphasized.
Required Materials
- Adobe After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop CC 2020 or later
- A favorite lyric-driven song (.mp3/.wav)
- A vector-based drawing of a logo (original or existing)
- A reliable internet connection and Zoom
- Foundational understanding of design and typography
- Proficiency in Illustrator/Photoshop
Class size is limited to 14 to allow for individual feedback time.
About Jase Hueser