Typography on the Web
Scott Kellum
This ten-part, studio class is a deep dive into the design and code of web typography, combining foundational theory and applied practice. We’ll learn to select variable and web fonts, ensure content legibility, design for accessibility, and implement cool typographic effects.
We'll start with an overview of the unique opportunities and constraints around responsive design. Then, we'll move into code by setting up a solid and legible foundation to build from. The principles learned in this class will help you balance font size, line height, and measure, creating the structure for excellent responsive typography in this and all of your future projects.
You'll learn how to select fonts and get an understanding of how variable fonts can help you make faster and more beautiful websites. Instead of simply choosing a font that looks good and feels right, we'll unpack why certain fonts look good and feel right for you and your project, setting you up to expand from the choices you make in this class to those you make in future work.
As you build up your skills and confidence with web typography, we’ll get into the details of what you can accomplish. You'll learn how to work with typographic effects, including treatments, gradient text, outlined text, long shadows, distortion, and more. At the end of the semester, you'll walk away with an extensive knowledge of how to create rich web typography from legible body text up to display headlines and all the choices in-between.
About Scott Kellum