Alexander Tochilovsky

Alexander Tochilovsky is a graphic designer, typographer, curator, and teacher, with 20+ years of professional design experience, and 15+ years of teaching. Born in Odesa, Ukraine, he graduated with a BFA from The Cooper Union, and holds an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. He is currently the Curator of the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography. In 2009 he co-curated the exhibition “Lubalin Now,” and has since curated several other exhibitions including: “Appetite”, “Pharma”, “Image of the Studio”, “Thirty”, “Swiss Style Now”, and “We Dissent”. Alexander has taught typography and graphic design at the Cooper Union, Fordham University, City College, and SUNY Purchase. He also teaches the history of typeface design at Type@Cooper, the post-graduate certificate program he co-founded in 2010. He is co-director of the annual Typographics conference and created the, and Flat File web projects for the Lubalin Center.