Typeface design education from Cooper Union

Jerry Kelly

Guest Speaker
Jerry kelly
Jerry Kelly is a calligrapher, book designer, and type designer working in New York. His work in these fields has won numerous awards, including from the Type Director’s Club, Society of Typographic Designers, and more than thirty selections in the prestigious AIGA “Fifty Books of the Year” award. In 2015 he was presented with the 28th Goudy Award from RIT.He has also written numerous articles and several books on calligraphy and typography, including Artist and Alphabet (The American Institute of Graphic Arts & David R. Godine, 2000), A Century for the Century (The Grolier Club, 2000), and The Art of the Book in the Twentieth Century (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2011). Before starting his own business in 1998, Kelly was Vice President of The Stinehour Press, Vermont; preceded by a decade as designer at The Press of A. Colish, New York. Since 1977 he has actively maintained a small fine printing operation, The Kelly-Winterton Press. In addition, he has taught at The Pratt Institute, Parsons School of Design, Society of Scribes, etc., and lectured widely. Kelly served as Chairman of the Board of the American Printing History Association, President of The Typophiles, and as an active member of several committees at The Grolier Club, New York. He is an Honorary Member of the Double Crown Club (London), and a corresponding member of the Bund Deutsche Buchkunstler (Munich). 

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