Typeface design education from Cooper Union
Typefaces as strategic point of passage

Typefaces as Strategic Point of Passage
with Jean François Porchez

Typography has become a natural extension of the visual identity of the most diverse organizations, governments and businesses, for their publications and products. Typeface design is at a pivotal point in its history, thanks to new creative technologies and uses. Letters and by extension, typographic signs, have always been witness to the conveyance of thoughts between author and reader. Nowadays, the typeset text is not only tied to the world of the books. Since the industrial revolution and the globalization of education, typography has become the gateway to texts and contents, and is a key element of communication between people. We have reached a cross-roads which bears discussion. Let's open a debate about how to address typeface design and its role in the contemporary world, similar to how design and visual identity were formulated during the 1960s.

Registration is now closed

Tue, February 11, 2014

The Rose Auditorium at Cooper Union
41 Cooper Square (at East 7th Street)
New York, NY 10003

About Jean François Porchez

Jean francois20 porchez
Jean François Porchez is founder of Typofonderie, type director of ZeCraft, Jean François Porchez’s expertise covers both the design of bespoke typefaces, logotypes and typographic consultancy. He is honorary President of the Association Typographique Internationale (was ATypI President in 2004–2007) and frequent speaker at conferences all over the world. Introduced to French Who’s Who in 2009. After training as a graphic designer, during which he focused on type design, Jean François Porchez (1964) worked as a type director at Dragon Rouge, then at Le Monde newspaper. Since 2012, he teaches at Type@Cooper, (United States) and he is the programme director for typographic & type design at ECV (France). He taught type design at the MA typeface design at the Reading University (United Kingdom), at Ensad, (France) and conduct regularly type design workshops all over the world. He also contributes regularly to international publications. He was awarded the Prix Charles Peignot in 1998 and numerous prizes for his typefaces.