The Calligraphic Roots of Latin Type
Cara Di Edwardo
In this hands-on workshop, students will focus on the fundamentals of the construction and anatomy of Roman and Italic minuscules.
During the 15th century, the Italian Humanist hand and chancery cursive became the original sources of the first Roman and Italic typefaces. Very much the same forms remain with us today, to greater and lesser extents, in many popular and classic designs. The influence of the broad-edged pen has had a profound effect on type and through learning to write in these Renaissance styles students will begin to attain the deep understanding needed to draw, analyze and see letters.
About Cara Di Edwardo

Cara Di Edwardo is a lettering artist, designer and adjunct professor at Cooper Union and has spent many years in the classroom and in planning educational programs. She is past president of the New York Society of Scribes and has served on the board of the Type Directors Club. She is a founder and the director of the Type@Cooper Program. She holds a BFA from Cooper Union, and has done further studies at ENSAD, Paris, Hunter College, NY and Kyoto Seika University, Japan.