Typeface design education from Cooper Union

The Value of Multi-Typeface Design
with Bethany Heck

Designers are taught to limit the number of typefaces they use in any given design, but why do these rules exist, and when are you justified in breaking them? When can adding typefaces improve a design? We will break down common conceptions about typeface systems and learn what makes type pairings and systems effective while uncovering the benefits mixing typefaces can bring, from unique aesthetics, showcasing typefaces and improving user experiences.

Registration is now closed

Tue, July 11, 2017, 2025

Koret Auditorium at the San Francisco Public Library Main Branch
100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA

The Herb Lubalin Lectures are recorded and made available here and on Vimeo with the generous support of Adobe.

About Bethany Heck

Bethany pic
Bethany Heck is the Executive Design Director of Product at Vox Media and the creator of the Eephus League brand of baseball scorebooks. She strives to create powerful visual experiences with strong typographic elements regardless of medium, and her work spans traditional printing techniques to the digital realm. She’s worked with the likes of Microsoft, FiveThirtyEight, IBM, EA Sports, ESPN, and more, and her work has appeared in New York Magazine, the New Yorker, Wired, Smashing Magazine and several other international publications and art exhibitions.